eCommerce Tips and Tricks
Sign up to e-Commerce

Use this form to sign new users up for eCommerce This goes to Customer Services who set up your account

Please note

  • Each login needs a unique email address
How do I activate my e-commerce account?

After customer service set up your account, we will send an email to each contact with instructions for activating their account and creating a password.

Click login and then activate to create a password and activate your account

Verify your email

The system sends an email to each contact to verify that we have the right address. Simply verify your email and then login!

If you don’t receive the email within ten minutes, please check your junk or spam folder or contact us to get manually verified

Dashboard & Quick order
After login each user will have access to their dashboard & quick order. Use Quick order to place orders. See your pricing and expected delivery dates 24/7 Search for products using the brand (eg Strand, Seratone, Melteca, Trade Essentials Whiteboard)and colour. Use related products to find accessories Order summary will show you the status of current and past orders
Delivery Dates/Availability

Delivery date is based on real time stock availability.

If a product is out of stock the delivery date given is when we expect to have it back in stock.

Notes field

You can use the notes field for a job reference on each line of your order.

The field flows through to the packing slip on your delivery documentation and invoices.

How do I request a specific forward delivery date or despatch date?

Click on ‘see more delivery options’ for future delivery/dispatch dates.

Choose dispatch date to choose when it is sent and invoiced (for example to determine which month the order is invoiced).

Real time updates

Look up all your orders using the order summary page (no matter how they were placed).

The highlighted info updates for placed, processing or out for delivery.

The delivery date updates based on the delivery date in our back-end system.

See your price

Price is pulled directly from our back-end and can be a useful way to check the price when quoting.

Please note quantity breaks apply on the quick order screen, with additional discounts applying at the cart and checkout screens.

Related Products
How do I search for products and view my frequently ordered products?

The system holds your 12 frequently ordered SKU for each user for easy adding to quick order.

This will build up based on the orders you place online – it’s not there the first time you login

How do I order by CSV upload?

Upload 50 lines at time straight into the cart via CSV using the product code (SKU). SKU & Quantity must not be blank.

Requested delivery date and requested dispatch date are optional fields, it is not possible to enter both date fields on the same line. The date must be a valid dispatch or delivery date, not a weekend or public holiday. Dates must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy, if the day or month is less than 10 then a leading 0 must be included i.e. 04/04/2022 is valid but 4/4/2022 is not.

Project name field is an optional field for up to 70 characters, it will appear on Laminex dispatch and invoice documentation. This is an option field and cannot be used for pricing or PPR information.

How do I checkout?

Once you have selected your product and entered the quantity you with to order, click on "Add to Cart".

In your cart, you are able to modify your order in a number of ways as indicated in the red boxes below:

  • You can add a Project Name to the line or adjust the quantity
  • Upload a CSV file 
  • Continue Shopping Bin/Remove an item 
  • Clear the whole Cart
  • Or go to Checkout

In the Checkout, you have a few more fields to modify/check as indicated in the red boxes below:

  • Your Purchase Order Number is compulsory– this is entered in the “Order Reference” field.
  • Shipping Address is your default delivery address.  If we have multiple delivery addresses loaded in our system for you, there will be a dropdown to select from.
  • Note: Please make contact with the Web Order team if you have an alternative delivery address that is not in the drop down so we can manage your order manually.
  • Submit Order– once you are confident you have verified all information is accurate.

Once you click on Submit order, you will receive the below message, where you can choose to download a copy of the order details submitted.

Order samples

Easy online ordering, that can be sent straight to your customer.

If you have an account, you can access larger sizes and quantities.

Brochures can also be ordered – up to 10 when logged in

Technical documents

Find all our technical documents in one place.

Warranty forms

Find all our warranty forms here - no login required

How do I view specific product details?

Our Product Details page shows all relevant information on a product. If you are viewing a restricted product, you will receive a notification.

To the right of the screen you can scroll through to find further information as outlined below:

  • Sample Ordering– Click to request a sample
  • Download Product Images– eg full sheet or seamless swatches
  • Download Product documents– eg brochures, technical data sheets, MSDS
  • Budget– View budget indicators
  • Applications– Where the product can be used
  • Features Warranty & Fire– Performance characteristics, fire ratings and warranty information
  • Health & Environment– Sustainability information
Further help and support

Our Web Order Support Team consists of Customer Service Representatives who are specifically trained to:

  • On-board new customers
  • Troubleshoot issues
  • Capture customer feedback for further improvement
  • Provide support both online and over the phone

You can reach us at 0800 303 606 or by email at